Did You Know....
Only the Mayo Clinic employs more people in Minnesota than the State of Minnesota and the federal government. See the list here.
Did You Know . . .
Since Gov. Dayton took office, Minnesota’s general fund budget has increased 30%, from $29.9 billion in 2010-11 to a proposed $42.9 for 2016-17.
Did You Know . . .
According to the Tax Foundation, it took every penny of income made by Minnesotans from January 1 until April 29 last year to pay our share of federal, state and local taxes, fifth longest in the country, meaning we pay more in total taxes than 45 other states.
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Our representatives in the state legislature, Paul Rosenthal and Ron Erhardt, both voted against a bill in the House that allows districts to consider teacher effectiveness as one of the factors to consider when layoffs are necessary. Current law only allows seniority to be considered.