Caucuses Feb. 1 to Select Precinct Co-Chairs, Delegates
On Tuesday, February 1, Republicans across Minnesota will be gathering for precinct caucuses. In our last newsletter and on our website we provided some details about what happens at Republican Party caucuses in Minnesota. This article will outline some important facts about how SD49 Republicans conduct our caucuses.
First, it is important to reiterate where our caucuses are held. In Bloomington, the Republican Precinct Caucuses will be held at Jefferson High School. For Republicans in Edina, Eden Prairie Precinct 08 (P-08) and Minnetonka P-1B and P-1C, the Republican caucuses will be held at Southview Middle School in Edina. Doors will open at 6:15 pm, and the caucuses will convene at 7:00 pm.
This is a year when voters will elect office-holders at many levels. These include MN House and Senate legislators, the Governor and Lieutenant Governor, Secretary of State, and State Auditor. We will also be electing our US Congressional representatives. For us in Congressional District 3, virtually every office just mentioned has a DFL incumbent. It is critical that we endorse the best-prepared and most-persuasive candidates to challenge the incumbents for each of these offices.
The delegates that we elect at our caucuses and at our SD49 convention will be the ones who decide which candidates to endorse. These delegates must be prepared to learn as much as possible about all of the candidates, because we will depend on their judgment when they vote to endorse. Note that while redistricting might affect what senate and/or congressional district you are in, if you are elected as delegate or alternate you will continue to be one for your precinct. It is a 2-year term.
In Senate District 49, we believe that the Republicans that are elected Precinct Co-Chairs at our caucuses have the trust and respect of their neighbors who have elected them. By our bylaws, each SD49 precinct can elect up to two Co-Chairs. These Co-Chairs normally serve two-year terms and are expected to lead and represent their precincts. Given the responsibilities and commitments they make, these Co-Chairs are empowered by our bylaws to nominate the SD49 delegates and alternates that will attend the Congressional District and State Conventions.
The nominations will be formalized into a slate by a Delegate Nominating Committee made up of those newly elected Precinct Co-Chairs. The Delegate Nominating Committee will meet by invitation on February 24. The slate of nominated delegates is presented for ratification to the SD49 Republican convention, to be held on March 19.
We believe that the privilege of representing SD49 at a Congressional and State Convention should be granted to those who step forward to serve our district beyond those conventions. If you want to seek that privilege, seriously consider running for Co-Chair of your Precinct at the February 1 caucus.
Note: during caucus on February 1, each precinct elects its delegates and alternates to attend the SD49 convention. Candidates running for MN House and Senate in SD49 will be endorsed by these precinct delegates at the SD49 convention on March 19. These precinct delegates and alternates are encouraged to support their Co-Chairs in precinct activities over the next two years.
Precinct Caucuses: Grassroots Party Meetings set for February 1
Minnesota is one of a few states that still recognizes the value of citizens meeting together in neighborhood groups to renew their political parties every two years. On Tuesday, February 1, Republicans across Minnesota will be gathering for precinct caucuses. The future of our Party and Nation belongs to those who show up.
Citizenship starts in the community. To make certain that communities and cities are based on self-governance, citizens need to be active. We as Americans need to begin playing the traditional role of good, concerned citizens. One way to “get into the arena,” as Theodore Roosevelt urged, is to engage in the grassroots process called caucuses.
The midterm election season is underway. In three weeks, we begin the work of deciding who we want to represent us. If you wish to see a change in our Party or to influence which of the candidates gains the delegates needed to be endorsed, precinct caucuses are your chance to stand up and be heard. Attend your caucuses and make a difference!
In Bloomington, the Republican Precinct Caucuses will be held at Jefferson High School. For Republicans in Edina, Eden Prairie Precinct 08 (P-08) and Minnetonka P-1B and P-1C, the Republican caucuses will be held at Southview Middle School in Edina.
Doors will open at 6:15 pm, and the caucuses will convene at 7:00 pm.
During your precinct caucus, you will
• Elect your precinct officers
• Elect your delegates and alternates to the Senate District convention in March
• Learn about the scheduling of the local, regional, and state conventions in 2022 and how you could become a delegate or alternate to these important party meetings
• Submit and debate amendments to the Republican Party platform
• Learn about candidates seeking the Republican endorsement to run at the local and state level and how you can support the ones that best represent your views
• Vote in a straw poll for the Republican candidates running for MN governor
Caucuses are All About Local Politics
Do you want your voice heard in local and state government?
• Are you concerned about the way that city taxes and utility bills keep increasing at a rate higher than inflation?
• Do you question the mandates being pushed by the state legislature?
• Do you hear that your local legislator wants to spend the potential $7.7 billion surplus in the state budget, not return it all to you?
Do you feel that you want to do something but don’t know where to start? Try attending your political party caucus on Tuesday evening, February 1. It is your first step in getting involved.
• Find out how many of your neighbors feel the same way you do.
• Identify the issues that most concern you
• Step forward to help organize the people around you.
• Learn about who is running for office, and why they are running.
• Offer to be a volunteer
• Become part of the process of endorsing candidates for local and state office
• Consider becoming a candidate yourself
Come to Caucus Tuesday, February 1st
- Tuesday, February 1st, 2022
- 6:15 pm Registration opens. Traffic may be congested and parking at caucus locations may be limited. Caucus participants should arrive at or soon after 6:15 pm to locate their caucus rooms and register.
- 7:00 pm Caucuses convene. It is important that all be present before caucus begins.
- Expected completion, approximately 8:30 PM.
Where: Residents in precincts within Senate District 49 will caucus in one of two locations:
- All Bloomington Republicans will caucus with their precincts at Thomas Jefferson High School, 4001 W 102nd St, Bloomington. Note that Bloomington SD50 Republicans will also caucus here.
- Edina, Eden Prairie, and Minnetonka Republicans that reside within Senate District 49 will caucus at South View Middle School, 4725 Southview Lane, Edina.
What is a Caucus?
A precinct caucus is a neighborhood meeting and the first step in Minnesota's 2022 election!
A big part of the evening is the chance to meet your Republican neighbors. People a lot like you, that really care about the future our local community, state, and country and know the power we have together to effect change and get good Republican candidates elected.
Caucus is the beginning. Invite your neighbors and show up with the intention to get involved. It is in the precinct caucus that you:
- Elect your local party leaders
- Step up to be delegates or alternates to your local Republican convention
- Submit resolutions to revise the Minnesota GOP Party Platform
It is at subsequent conventions that Republican delegates vote on who will get endorsed for Minnesota House, Minnesota Senate, US House and US Senate. The precinct caucuses are the entry point in the process of meeting potential candidates and deciding who best represents our conservative values. It is the first step of engagement in supporting key campaigns going into the 2022 elections.
Our Minnesota Secretary of State office provides further general information about Minnesota caucuses: CLICK HERE
No cost to attend your caucus. Donations will be requested/accepted to cover building rental and printing.
Who can participate in a Republican caucus:
- Are you eligible to vote? You do not need to be registered to vote, but you must be eligible to vote, including being 18 years old or older, on Election Day, November 8, 2022. You must live in the precinct in which you are caucusing.
- Agree with the principles of the Republican Party? If you agree with the general principles of the Republican Party, will vote for Republicans or the Republican nominee in the upcoming election you can participate.
- Willing to attend in person? There's no absentee or drive-by voting for Republican caucus voters. You'll need to come to your neighborhood's (precinct's) meeting room, sign-in (i.e., register for caucus) and attend in person.
Observers: May attend
- To watch, not participate in activities or straw poll.
- e.g., children, News reporters/Press, those not from our SD, those not eligible to vote on November 8, 2022.
What’s my Precinct?
Now is a good time to verify the number of your precinct. CLICK HERE and use your address to find your precinct number.
Where can I find a copy of the Minnesota Republican Party Platform?
CLICK on this LINK to find the platform on the MN GOP website.