Gov. Walz emergency order has altered the nature of the Senate District 49 convention. This year, the convention will convene on Saturday, April 18, online and on the telephone, starting at 3:00 pm.
Registration has already started.
MN GOP sent out the formal Convention Call by email this past week. If you are a delegate or alternate we want to know whether or not you have received your call. Please CLICK HERE to take a quick, one question survey and let us know.
Please also follow the instructions on the Call as soon as you can. Registration closes on April 17, 24 hours before the convention convenes. You can register online. MNGOP is asking a registration fee of $5 to defray the costs of the teleconference.
Delegates and alternates may participate in the convention online if you have a computer with internet and speakers. If you don’t have a computer and speakers, you can call in with a digital phone. Participation in the convention teleconference should prove interesting just to hear the US Senate and Congressional office candidates speak.