The State Fair is back this year, and the Republican Party of Minnesota plans to continue its tradition of running a State Fair booth for the duration of the fair. The MN GOP staff has asked the leadership of the Congressional Districts and the Affiliate groups to find volunteers to support the running of the booth on specific days.
Congressional District 3 Republicans (including SD49) are teaming with the Minnesota Organization of Republican Veterans (MORVets) to work the booth over three shifts on Tuesday, August 31. The shifts are 9 am to 1 pm, 1 pm to 5 pm, and 5 pm to 9 pm.
CD3 GOP Chair Patti Meier is looking for 12 volunteers to sign up, four per shift. The first four to sign up (and show up) for each of the shifts will be entitled to be reimbursed the price of admission to the State Fair. Volunteers will be responsible for covering their costs of transportation and parking.
Volunteers will greet guests, organize and promote merchandise and assist with a short poll on issues and candidates, and other duties as assigned by MN GOP staff.
There will be virtual training via zoom in August before the fair to answer questions and go over volunteer information. There will be three different weekday evening options for this training, and every volunteer must "attend" one.
If you are willing to volunteer, please contact Patti Meier at [email protected]. Provide your name, senate district (or home address), email address, cell phone number, and shift (or shifts} to be worked. She will get back to you to confirm your shift and/or with any questions.