MN GOP Requests Step 1 be Completed by April 1
We’ve heard from some Republicans who signed up via National or State websites to be an election judge in 2020 that they were never contacted for training or to serve. It’s likely that incomplete contact information (e.g., no email or phone) or a name that did not perfectly match state voter registration records were barriers to city election officials matching election judge indications of interest with possible positions.
While state law requires a party-balance of election judges, using names supplied on lists from each major party, those individuals must (as a separate step) apply and be hired and trained by their local election office.
Hint: Before sign-up, double-check your 2022 new Congressional District CLICK HERE and Senate District CLICK HERE ; the boundaries changed for many Edina and Bloomington voters due to redistricting.
MN GOP has clarified the description of steps needed and now collects much more information as it prepares the lists of Republican election judges.
Step 1: Fill out the form at the MN GOP website’s Election Protection page to ensure your name is on the Republican Party list. Hit the "submit" button. Note that if you signed up at the Bloomington/Edina Caucus 2/1/2022, we’ve sent your info to MN GOP. But it’s OK to tell them again yourself.
The law says party lists must be submitted by May 1. MN GOP is requesting signup by April 1, to allow time for list preparation.
Step 2: Once you have filled out and submitted that form, you will also need to "apply" for a position as an Election Judge with your county or city election office. You may apply to more than one location if you’re willing to travel to serve (you don’t need to live in the specific city/county). Election judges are paid for training time and hours worked. Pay rates are set by the local election offices.
For Bloomington – use the links in the top half (for 2022) of the Election Judge page at the City of Bloomington website. Fill in both of the forms, print out and sign by hand and return to the city clerk. If you have questions, call 952-563-8729 or email [email protected]
Note that obsolete information and links for 2021 were still on the lower half of that page in early March 2022.
For Edina – Fill out the form from the Election Judges page of the City of Edina website. If you need help or have questions contact City Clerk Sharon Allison at 952-826-0408.
For Hennepin County - Fill in the interest form at the website here and indicate that you are willing to travel. If you have questions, contact Election official: Ginny Gelms, General phone: 612-348-5151 Email: [email protected]
For City of Minneapolis – Has the highest pay-rate in our area. For election-day only work, fill in the form from the city website Note that the city classifies early voting monitoring and absentee ballot handling as “not an election judge” roles, and lists the process for applying to those seasonal jobs separately at this link
If you live elsewhere or want to serve in another city/county contact your city clerk, county auditor, or see if the county or city is listed on the Secretary of State's website Become An Election Judge page here.