Our own Doug Seaton — along with a few other activists within our Senate District — is hoping to become a Minnesota Delegate to the Republican National Convention in July. Doug was recently featured in a MinnPost article, linked below.
To be clear about one point in the article that could be misunderstood, a candidate for national delegate is not required to be a delegate to any convention. One can register for the upcoming Congressional District Conventions (CD 3 on April 23rd, and CD 5 on April 30th), and run for a national delegate position without being a delegate to that particular convention.
There is an application process that’s required to be completed, and the deadlines for that are fast-approaching. For more information, go to the “News” section of our website, sd49gop.com, and read Becoming a Delegate to the RNC.
With that clarification in mind, in the following linked story from MinnPost,
Cyndy Brucato lays out the road to Cleveland . . .