The Executive Committee of Senate District 49 is driven by three primary goals – to identify, endorse, and support district Republican candidates; to inform Republicans of local activies and issues; and to organize and build the base of local Republican Party support.
We work to achieve those goals through volunteer efforts (the district has no paid staff) and targeted spending planned over two years, aligned with the two-year election cycle. Our projected budget for the 2017-2018 cycle is about $65,000. Thirty percent (30%) of that is earmarked for funding of Republican-endorsed candidates running for the MN House and Senate in Senate District 49.
The following table breaks out expenses as a percentage of the two-year budget:
Candidate Support 30%
District Office (rent, insurance) 20%
Fundraising 17%
Dinner Programs & Picnic 10%
Annual Convention 10%
Caucuses 4%
Communications 3%
Precinct Building & Voter Turn-out 3%
Misc 3%
The senate district has no paid staff. Our programs, conventions, caucuses, and fundraising are planned and conducted with volunteers. With no salaried, hourly, or contracted employees, your contributions go directly to support your local candidates, to provide you information on local and state issues and initiatives, and to cover essential operating expenses.
Your financial contributions are vital to our efforts. Please contribute today!