In early October, the Minnesota Department of Commerce released final rates for the 2019 individual insurance market, revealing that for the second consecutive year, Republican-led reforms have helped reduce individual market health insurance rates after years of double-digit increases following the implementation of Obamacare in Minnesota.
All five of the carriers on the individual market lowered premiums for 2019, with average rates dropping between 7.4 percent and 27.7 percent.
Practically speaking, what does this mean? A 61-year-old from the Twin Cities could save $4,296 next year as a result of Republican reforms compared to what they were paying two years ago.
From 2014-2017, average rates increased by double digits every year, including up to 67 percent for 2017. Thanks to Republican reforms enacted in 2017, individual market rates for 2018 remained flat or were reduced for most Minnesotans on the individual market.
The nationally recognized, Republican-led reforms were supported by just one Democrat in the Minnesota House. Governor Dayton refused to sign the measure, opting to let it become law without his signature.