Max Rymer Supports a Trash Collection Referendum in Bloomington

By Max Rymer

"Trash Hauling in Bloomington" - now there's a phrase I didn't think would come out of my mouth in any serious manner.

But serious is exactly what's happening right now. Bloomington's City Council, in essence, is deciding for its people that garbage hauling should be left in the hands of city and state governments.

Without the voice of the people in the form of referendum, or the possibility of choosing a type of garbage hauling service from the many capable small businesses that could do it, the Bloomington City Council has decided it will make the choice for its people.

This means: your voice is being silenced within your own community, government is attempting to overtake another role of small business (in a less efficient or cost-effective way, undoubtedly), and - potentially - you will be forced to patronize a single multi-region or multi-state hauler chosen by the city council. Not you.

The petition to have at the very least a city-wide referendum still lives, and we await the result.

As Representative, I will stand with organizations like "Hands off Our Cans" that support the individual power of choice and free market. Privatized trash haulers invigorate our local economy, provide efficient service, and will continue to innovate environmentally-safe processes as we encourage competition within Bloomington.

I encourage the Bloomington City Council to at least grant a referendum on the issue to its residents.