First Republican Stay-at-Home Networking Event
When the Southwest Metro Pints & Politics was cancelled earlier in April, Margaret Johnson offered to host a Zoom virtual happy hour event in its place. And so, “Pints & Pent-up” was initiated on April 20. Kendall Qualls, candidate for US Congress in the Third Congressional District, was the featured speaker, and over 20 participants joined us at the first event from the comfort of their own homes.
Kendall Qualls has had some experience with this medium, and he was relaxed despite being the center of attention. In his opening remarks, Qualls acknowledged the impact of the on-going quarantine, saying he had hoped to have been part of the many conventions that have been replaced by teleconferences.
Qualls is clearly looking forward to the day that he can resume in-person campaigning. He is hoping that the current lock-down will not preclude a few face-to-face debates with Dean Phillips. He easily handled questions from the participants.
The format of Pints & Pent-up differs from Pints & Politics in that in runs only for an hour, we have a featured speaker, and you need to provide your own beverage. Yet, the opportunity to get together, to hear and see a few Republicans both those familiar and new, and to talk politics was invigorating. We thank the participants who joined us from Apple Valley, Blaine, and even Palm Beach, Florida to enjoy this inaugural event.