January Dinner Meeting

Are you helping to pay for your neighbor’s solar panels?

Join us for dinner and conversation with State Senator David Osmek to learn more.

 Sen. Osmek will tell us what the true costs of renewables are and who is paying them.
Learn why Bill Gates said the costs of getting power mainly from wind and solar are
“beyond astronomical.”

 Tuesday, September 22
6 p.m. Social Hour
6:30 Dinner
7:00 Business Meeting
7:30 Speaker

Calvary Lutheran Church
6817 Antrim Road


Our favorite adopted state senator Dave Osmek is minority whip and lead Republican on the Environment and Energy Committee. He is passionate about restoring common sense to Minnesota’s energy policy. He is the author of bills to allow utilities to build new nuclear plants in Minnesota and to repeal our Clean Energy Standard, which requires utilities to provide power from renewable resources like wind and solar. Another Osmek bill removes the cap on hydro-electric power, currently the largest source by far of all our renewables.

Be prepared for serious discussions of state energy policy in the 2016 legislative session.

If you want to know more about state energy policy and how it affects us, read Eric Strobel's opinion piece CLICK HERE.

We hope to see you there!

September 22, 2015 at 6:00pm - 9pm
Calvary Lutheran Church
6817 Antrim Rd
Edina, MN 55435
United States
Google map and directions
Mary Doughty · · 952-848-4272

Will you come?

$15.00 Adult after 9/18/25 and at the door
$5.00 Presentation only, no meal
$5.00 Child or student (including college)