The parade-watchers for the 2019 Bloomington Heritage Days Parade were generous with their smiles and we heard numerous “go Trump” calls. And the children were delightful as they each politely said "Thank you" for the candy & stickers handed out by our SD49 GOP group.
More than 20 enthusiastic Republicans joined together for the Bloomington Heritage Days Parade on September 21. Our message of pro-family, pro-growth received many friendly waves, thumbs up gestures and shouts of “go Trump”. Our group was a little smaller this year as some volunteers joined our recommended local candidates, Ryan Kulka, running for Bloomington Mayor, and Al Noard, running for Bloomington City Council.
We were pleased to have candidates join us as well:
Kendall Qualls, in center at right, Republican candidate seeking endorsement in 2020 for Minnesota’s 3rd Congressional District seat in the U.S. Congress
- Lacy Johnson, pictured on right below (click it for video), a candidate seeking the 2020 Republican endorsement to run for Congress in the 5th District
- Susan Woodruff, pictured above holding her sign, now running for City Council in Bloomington’s 2nd District.
Though the weather was sketchy, our committed volunteers chanced the threat of rain to drive their vehicles after outfitting them with signs and patriotic decorations: Dave Temply on his Spyder motorcycle, Carol Kerr in her red Mercedes convertible carrying the elephant balloon, and John Ward in his red Mustang convertible. Russ Burnison, SD 49 Executive Committee Co-Chair, provided the parking lot space to get everyone ready, loaded and then shuttle to our staging position. Thanks to you all!
THANK YOU to every person who walked with us. And "WELL DONE" to the team of volunteers (at right) who wrestled the inflatable elephant into place.
Thanks also to our parade organizers and to the well-wishers who cheered us on along the parade route. We invite all area Republicans to plan to walk with us next year!
More photos are below.