Get Involved - Climate Change Resilience Planning Meetings

Here’s another opportunity for voters to get involved.  A series of meetings/workshops to engage in planning for “community climate resilience” will be held January 24, January 31 and February 8 in Eden Prairie. 

Sponsored by 4 agencies, 7 cities, a nonprofit and an engineering consulting firm, the results from the meetings will likely be included in each SD49 city’s plans for 2040, mandated by the Met Council.

To participate in these free workshops, you need to register (a registration link is below).

For each of the non-city sponsors, we’ve included a brief background statement and their website links at the end of this article.

Much more detail is in the brochure, quoted below, and also can be viewed in the original notice in full at the following link  CLICK HERE

Community Resilience Planning Workshops:  Building Resilience for a Changing Climate

The Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District and the Nine Mile Creek Watershed District are leading a public planning process that educates and engages communities on the importance of climate change, current and anticipated impacts, and the need to build community resilience through planning. To offer this timely workshop series, the watershed districts are partnering with the following cities: Bloomington, Chanhassen, Deephaven, Eden Prairie, Edina, Hopkins, Minnetonka.

You are invited to participate in a series of workshops that will engage these communities in planning for resilience, a component of each city's Comprehensive Plan.

During the workshops, you will become familiar with climate-related hazards, identify local vulnerabilities and strengths related to those hazards, determine priorities, and generate specific adaptation strategies that a community can adopt, leading to increased resilience.

Why should you participate?

  • Understand climate-related changes that are already happening, future predictions, and how these communities are vulnerable.
  • Generate valuable information on priorities and strategies to increase resilience that can be included in the Resilience chapter of a city's Comprehensive Plan.
  • Network with neighboring communities and watershed districts to foster collaboration in planning and implementing resilience plans.

RSVP Here to reserve your seat

Jan 24, 6-8 pm  Community Resilience Education Forum  - A forum to develop stakeholder knowledge & awareness of local climate change impacts & stressors. 

Jan 31, 4 -8 PM Resilience Planning Workshop #1 - A workshop to understand current & future risks, and identify community vulnerabilities & strengths.

Feb 8, 4 – 8 PM Resilience Planning Workshop #2 -  A workshop to identify barriers & develop strategies to increase community resilience.

These FREE events will be held at:

Bent Creek Country Club, 14490 Valley View Road, Eden Prairie, Minnesota.

Food will be provided.

This work is made possible by the following partners (editing note: SD49 GOP Communications Team looked up the links and captured brief descriptions from websites):

Minnesota Pollution Control Agency

“The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) monitors environmental quality, offers technical and financial assistance, and enforces environmental regulations. The agency finds and cleans up spills or leaks that can affect our health and environment. Staff develop statewide policy, and support environmental education.”  Mission:  Protect and improve the environment and enhance human health.

Riley Purgatory Bluff Creek Watershed District

“The Riley-Purgatory-Bluff Creek Watershed District  was established by order of the Minnesota Water Resources Board on July 31, 1969, pursuant to the Watershed Act [Laws 1955 c799 s1]. Originally known as the Riley-Purgatory Creek Watershed District, it became the Riley-Purgatory-Bluff Creek Watershed District in August 1984. Its function is to protect and manage the water resources within the district, which is approximately 50 square miles in surface area and encompasses the land area tributary to Riley Creek, Purgatory Creek, and Bluff Creek in Hennepin and Carver counties. Portions of the cities of Bloomington, Chanhassen, Deephaven, Eden Prairie, Minnetonka, and Shorewood are located in the district.

The activities of the district are managed by the five member Board of Managers; four members appointed by the Hennepin County Board of Commissioners and one member by the Carver County Board of Commissioners. Managers serve three-year terms and must live within the legal boundaries of the district.”

Nine Mile Creek Watershed District

“The Nine Mile Creek Watershed District is approximately 50 square miles and encompasses the land area draining to Nine Mile Creek. We serve the residents, property-owners and visitors of the cities in our district: Bloomington, Eden Prairie, Edina, Hopkins, Minnetonka, and Richfield. Five managers, appointed by the Hennepin County Board of Commissioners to three-year terms, direct the activities of the District.”

Freshwater Society

“The mission of Freshwater Society is to promote the conservation, protection and restoration of all freshwater resources.  Since 1968 – two years before the first Earth Day – Freshwater Society has been a leading public nonprofit organization dedicated to conserving, restoring, and protecting freshwater resources and their surrounding watersheds.”

Metropolitan Council

“The Metropolitan Council is the regional policy-making body, planning agency, and provider of essential services for the Twin Cities metropolitan region. The Council's mission is to foster efficient and economic growth for a prosperous region.”

Barr Engineering

“Barr provides engineering and environmental consulting services to clients across the Midwest, throughout the Americas, and around the world. We have been employee owned since 1966 and trace our origins to the early 1900s. Working together, our 700 engineers, scientists, and technical specialists help clients develop, manage, process, and restore natural resources.”

and other members of the core planning team: City of Bloomington, City of Chanhassen, City of Deephaven, City of Eden Prairie, City of Edina, City of Hopkins, City of Minnetonka.

A Note and Basic Background from SD49 Republicans:

 A comprehensive plan sets the 20-year vision through a set of goals and policies that guide future land uses and investments in City services such as parks, community facilities, transportation and sewer and water systems.

The Metropolitan Council sets the basic requirements for what must be included in comprehensive plans.  As in previous years, each city's comprehensive plan update must address seven Plan Elements: land use, transportation water resources, parks, housing, and implementation.  For this round of updates the Metropolitan Council is recommending, but not requiring, cities to also address economic competiveness and resiliency and sustainability.

 We urge you to research the boards and commissions and to apply to serve on one that particularly interests you.  Bring your common-sense conservative values to the running of your city.  Then, let us know how things go.  We would welcome short articles about your experience.  Help encourage more Republicans to join with you!