Gas Tax? We All Need Good Roads

DFL targets metro drivers for $300 yearly tax increase

gas_pump_handle.jpgProposed new taxes would cost the typical metro driver an additional $24.50 a month (almost $300 per year), according to the Star Tribune. The Dayton/DFL transportation plan raises taxes by $11 billion over 10 years.

A new 6.5% gas tax would increase as the price of a gallon of gas increases. One-half of one percent would be added to our metro sales tax for transit. 

Also according to the Star Tribune, 70% of the goods we--drivers and non-drivers--buy in our stores arrive by truck, and an expected 43% increase in truck freight is due largely to deliveries of online shopping--by both drivers and non-drivers. Non-drivers benefit from police, fire and ambulance services.

Everyone is a road "user."  We shouldn't increase the gas tax. The state general fund, into which we all pay, is the logical source for additional money to build and repair our roads and bridges.