Election of SD49 Officers, Delegates Coming in February 2019

For_Newsletter_Convention_2018_Stage.jpgThe time is coming to elect executive officers and State Central delegates in Senate District 49. Their two-year terms will be ending this coming February. Please consider whether you are interested in serving as an executive officer or State Central delegate. You need to be a Republican and live within the boundaries of Senate District 49

In February 2017, delegates to the SD49 convention elected the 15-member SD49 Executive Committee: two Co-Chairs, ten Vice Chairs, a Secretary, a Treasurer, and a Communications Chair. The 2017 convention also elected 16 people (4 Delegates and 12 Alternates) specifically to attend the biannual MN GOP State Central meetings.

Senate District 49 is a leading local Republican organization in Minnesota, based on the strength and knowledge of its Executive Committee. We also encourage new blood in leadership roles, with the SD49 bylaws imposing term limits. Several officers will be leaving their positions in 2019. A description of the executive officer positions can be found in the SD49 Bylaws, Article IV, Section 4.

Delegates and Alternates to the MN GOP State Central meetings would typically attend four meetings over the two-year term. The meetings get reports on the state of the state party; vote on proposed changes to the party constitution and bylaws; and elect state party officers. Please note the description of the most recent State Central meeting found here

So, if you are interested in serving as an executive officer or have any questions about serving, please let us know. You need to be a Republican and live within the boundaries of Senate District 49. Contact Mike Lehmann at [email protected] or 612-839-0761. He will set up an interview with you before the convention as part of our search process.