Voting for the School Board matters. We need people who will listen first to parents and students when making decisions. Early voting is possible at the Edina City Hall Monday-Friday during the day. Vote at your precinct on November 2 from 7:00 am – 8:00 pm.
There are 6 people running for 4 positions. The current School Board has 6 of 7 members that were endorsed by the Edina Teachers Union. They should be listening to parents and students first. They supported the union when they wanted to shut down the schools last November. They have supported Critical Race Theory ideas to promote racial equity that have led to declining academic achievement for all races since 2014. 22% of Edina students attend other schools. This has increased dramatically since 2014. Proposed changes for courses of study are being re-written in ways that are unacceptable for most of us.
I want a board of independent thinkers that will represent the voice of the community, parents and students not the Edina Teachers Union! Erica Allenburg has been endorsed by the Teachers Union. Michael Birdman, Karen Gabler and Dan Arom are supported by past Union leadership and current Board members who were union endorsed. That disqualifies them from being the independent thinkers we need in Edina. Look at everyone’s web site to make your own decision.
I recommend you vote for only two or three candidates.
Editor's note: We've listed all the candidate websites under the Local Elections, Edina tab on our site CLICK HERE
If you want our recommendations, contact us ([email protected]) and we will be happy to help.