Volunteer Reporter & Photographer
It wasn’t exactly a Republican roundup, but the sprawling ranch-like cowboy bar may soon become Republican SD 49’s new watering hole. It was here at Cowboy’s Jack’s Saloon that SD 49 & the Minnesota Young Republicans settled down for their 2nd Young Republican’s Happy Hour as the sun set on a cool Oct 2nd evening. The choice of this venue was excellent for this hearty band of party activists.
Local Republicans came back to the ‘Wild West’ at Bloomington’s only authentic cowboy bar
About 30 SD49, Minnesota Young Republicans, and Twin Cities Young Republicans shared a convivial mood at our second Happy Hour event in the bar’s lounge. It was an evening for exchanging email addresses, sharing ideas, and getting other’s opinions on matters of the day. While conversations ranged from Millennials’ outreach to the abrupt change in weather, I sensed an overall relief from hectic summer days and an eagerness for Fall grassroots building culminating with next year’s elections.
When I talked with one young SD49er the next day, he told me that, “It was a very nice opportunity to meet and talk with people associated with the YRs as well as with people from SD49 and get to know them better. The YR people were very friendly and interested in getting to know SD 49 people. It was a good opportunity to learn about their perspectives on issues, organizations, etc.”
Although the food and the spirits consumed have since worn off, the spirit of youthful activism so fervently alive that evening will continue in our minds as vibrant memories.
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