Bloomington Forums Give Insights Into Candidates

Republican candidates for Senate District 49, House District 49B, and the Republican incumbent in House District 50B responded to voters questions at the well-attended League of Women Voters forum on October 4.

49 Senate candidate Mike Lehmann emphasized the need for responsible government spending and to make the state more business friendly

49B House candidate Max Rymer stressed his intent to push efforts to improve problem solving in state government and to provide critical help to struggling people while empowering them to help themselves.

50B incumbent House member Chad Anderson pointed out that the promises for MNsure are not being met.  The problems are so significant that we need to start over in addressing health insurance needs in Minnesota.

To watch and  listen to our candidates as they addressed the forums, click on the following links for

 the Bloomington LWV Forum on October 4


the Bloomington PTSA on October 3 (introduction is about 2 minutes into recording, sound quality improves a lot a bit later).