It gives me great pleasure to announce that I’m running for a second term as Secretary of the Minnesota GOP. It is a privilege to have this job, and with your support, I hope to be able to continue to work on behalf of — and with — all of our Party activists & volunteers from across our state!
While our November election results shattered us, they also called for a serious time of introspection — both from a Party standpoint and from a personal one. I know many of us felt we worked harder than we ever have before…for very disappointing results.
But outcomes also present opportunities, and for us that means we need to look at new ways to engage and make a difference in Minnesota and in the 2020 elections. We have some serious catching up to do and, personally, I’m ready to get started!
The primary areas as Secretary, that I’d like to focus on are sharing & implementing best practices among our Precincts & their Senate Districts and broadening the outreach of our Affiliates.
• Sharing & implementing best practices among our Precincts & their Senate Districts. Our local organizations are doing some impressive work, and that should be passed on to our Congressional Districts, and finally to the State Party. I will do my part to ensure that the Party listens to what’s working, and then shares that information. Our local BPOUs are the building blocks of our Party. The stronger our BPOUs, the better chances we have to win elections. The good news: as I’ve begun visiting local Conventions over these past two weeks, I’ve found incredible enthusiasm for sharing what works best and for partnering with other Senate Districts to create change. This is a great example of an outcome presenting opportunity!
• Broadening the outreach of our Affiliates, as we — in turn — reach out to them and help them grow our Party. As “Director of Affiliates,” I can vouch for the fact that they made incredible contributions in 2018, and we’re setting ambitious goals for this coming year. They want to be part of a winning team, and they are NOT willing to cede the Metro to the Democrats. And where they fit in — and should — in Senate Districts & Congressional Districts — I’d like to make those connections between them and you. I continue to believe — and I know they do — that not only are they a valuable resource, but that they can make a real difference in moving the needle towards garnering more Republican votes as we move forward.
My promise to you is to value and learn from you, our party’s critical core. We’re a Party of grassroots activists. We depend on our volunteers. Volunteers are our strength, and they need to be acknowledged and made to feel relevant and valued. I want to hear your thoughts regarding the Minnesota GOP and welcome your calls, your ideas, and your concerns. If ever you feel I’m not doing that, I need to hear from you. I see it as the job of those on the Executive Committee to carry your ideas and concerns forward and to work with you.
THANK YOU for always being there for me throughout my time in Senate District 49. I hope to earn your support once more, as a candidate for re-election as our Party’s Secretary!