Walk with us in Bloomington’s Heritage Days Parade Sept 17

Heritage_Days_Parade_2015_3_392x266.jpgJoin Republicans from Senate Districts 49 and 50 in demonstrating our spirit for Bloomington’s Heritage Days Parade on Saturday, September 17.    

Come out and show your support for Mike Lehmann and Max Rymer, two of our Senate District 49 candidates, who will be walking with us. They will have t-shirts for those who want to help them greet voters on the route.

This is a family-friendly event.  Children are welcome to walk the parade route with us. 

We will gather at 10 am, and the parade will kick-off at 10:30 am.   If you will RSVP below, we will get you information on convenient parking just for our group.

The parade will take a new route this year.  We will assemble in Slot 73 along 3rd Avenue on the south side of Old Shakopee Road near Kennedy High School.  We will walk west along 102nd Street, turning north on Lyndale.  The parade will end just after wrapping around the Heritage Days Festival grounds, located near the Nativity of Mary Catholic Church.  It will be a level walk through shady neighborhoods of southeast Bloomington.  

The Heritage Days Festival offers many booths and entertainment venues to reward those who wish to remain past the end of the parade.

The Bloomington Heritage Days parade website contains further information, including a map of the parade route. 

September 17, 2016 at 10:00am - 12:30pm
3rd Ave S off of Old Shakopee Rd, Bloomington
Randy Sutter · · 952-835-8917

Will you come?