There is still time to volunteer at the Minnesota GOP booth at the State Fair.
Congressional District 3 hosts the GOP Booth on Friday, September 2. Join endorsed SD49 MN Senate Candidate Mike Lehmann, MN GOP Secretary Barb Sutter, and SD49 regulars Randy Sutter and Linda and Tom Hulting in promoting our brand!
On September 4, Max Rymer, endorsed MN House Candidate for 49B, will be at the GOP booth starting at 10 AM – be sure to stop by.
The Republican booth is located on Carnes Ave right next to Ye Old Mill. The booth is a great place to stop by and meet Republican legislators, candidates, and interested Minnesota voters. The booth will offer Republican memorabilia, t-shirts, and other interesting items for sale.
The MN GOP will reimburse part of the cost of the entry to the State Fair to volunteers who work a full shift. Buy an advance price entry ticket and volunteer!
To volunteer for a shift on September 2, let Congressional District 3 know by CLICKING HERE. Volunteers are asked to sign up for one of three shifts: 8 AM to 12 PM, 12 PM to 4 PM, and 4 PM to 8 PM.