Southwest Metro Pints & Politics is Back!

Pints-and-Politics-1.jpgAre you ready?  Pints & Politics is back!  If you want a taste of freedom, we are there for you!

Join us at our new location.  We will kick things off on Monday, June  14, at 5:00 pm at the Tavern on France, 6740 France Avenue South, Edina.  Located across France Avenue opposite the Southdale Mall, the Tavern has plenty of parking.  .

We are thrilled that Kendall Qualls, founder and president of TakeCharge and 2020 Congressional candidate, will help us kick off our first event of 2021. Republicans are welcome to come, relax and catch-up. No program, no speeches. If you want a casual opportunity to meet and get to know other local Republicans, this is about as good as it gets.

Scroll down and register in advance.  Under our arrangement with the Tavern, our servers will only accept drink tickets.  If you RSVP on line by June 12, your fee of $14 per person will entitle you to one free drink ticket at the door.  The entrance fee will also help defray the cost of a selection of appetizers. If you don't register in advance, the cost at the door will be $20 per person.  We will also have additional drink tickets available for $10 each.

Come as early as 5 pm or drop in up to 7:30 pm, as many of us will still be there. Take a break from the traffic on your commute home or from your late afternoon Zoom call.  Have a beer and talk in-person with local party leaders, candidates, and a number of genuinely good people.

June 14, 2021 at 5:00pm - 7:30pm
Tavern on France
6740 France Ave S
Edina, MN 55435
United States
Google map and directions